World leaders in the manufacture of stainless steel equipment for the food and medical sectors

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Over 60 Years’ Experience

We have been global market leaders in the design and manufacture of high-quality equipment for both the food and medical sectors for over 60 years.


Our experienced teams have a great depth of knowledge and understanding of their industries and are dedicated to bringing the finest products to market. We constantly work alongside, and seek feedback from, our customers to continue to develop and refine our products.


We pride ourselves on our global reputation for quality and performance, providing outstanding products through our experienced, well-established team of design, electronic and software engineers.


Our products are based on proven technology developed and enhanced over more than 60 years and are designed and built in a state-of-the-art factory, using the latest in material, our products provide a number of outstanding benefits.

Food Sector

Perfect results every time

Renowned international supplier of equipment for food processing companies. Our comprehensive range includes smoking kilns, defrosters, deglazers, dryers and brining lines.

Our smoking kilns are certified as traditional smoking kilns with state-of-the-art Siemens microprocessor controls.


Medical Sector

No compromise pathology solutions

Renowned international supplier of mortuary tables, down draught ventilated equipment for pathology and laboratory installations. Over 35 years experience working with hospitals, university medical schools, teaching hospitals and medical research laboratories. AFOS medical equipment is also widely used in prestigious veterinary schools and animal anatomy facilities around the world.